Why Old Systems Work
Chance encounters, conversations heard, a
piece of a film, often removes a veil and tells how, why things work. For often
there are conflicting views and even conflicting forces at work, and one is not
sure what path is the best to choose for one's life. And veils don't help, nor
do the botched reality that is so different from the ideal or the well-thought
out system that is intended. Age old institution of marriage is no different in
Modern world looks to west for all and and
unless one has heard or experienced to the contrary, it is thought that
Independence and nuclear family are ideals, as is women working. But it was not
only my experience to the contrary, it is far more pervasive - extended
families are the biggest support of a married woman (when they work well),
particularly more so when she goes out to earn, and childcare is a concern. It
is not that family replaces servants - it is that family is needed for
emotional well-being as well. For the children, for the young couples. A social
fabric with well knit threads does not allow anyone falling through cracks due
to lack of support when all goes well.
It is true that not all goes well always - but
then that would be true of almost anything. Test of strength and health comes
with those times when not all goes well. That is when one looks elsewhere for
another way. But most of the time when a system works it is taken as the only
good one by those who belong to that system, and they look askance at others'
ways, finding fault with everything different and congratulating themselves on
their own.
And so east sees western system as full of
various risks, including the ultimate point counted against it - divorce rate -
and east asks, if you love how do you abandon them, why any divorce at all? While
west shudders at east for their arranged marriages, not realising it is not so
strange a world as all that - once they had it too, and often very wealthy western
families too are careful to arrange the marriages of progeny in all but name.
And even normal middle class is not all that all accepting if the new person to
be introduced are very different, not often. Mostly people look for someone
attractive whom one has reasonable amount in common with and can get along
with, and if that is done in a haphazard way nevertheless if one is honest one
would admit it matters if the partner gets along well with family and friends,
and that is always present as a criteria in the subconscious. One might not
obey it as a rule but that is irrespective of the system.
Bob related how a woman in the church - which
he attended while here - met him outside the church after the ceremony on
Sunday and proposed to him for her daughter, who was standing nearby close to
her mother and said not a word. The first time he told the story we heard it as
a novelty for him, and perhaps a vain boast of how India was after him. Those
of us listening who were local did not at first react, for we had not
understood what his point was. Then I explained that the woman had proposed to
him for her daughter for reasons that were natural; because for one thing he
looked quite plausible as Indian, and for another she took him as of her
own community since they were in the same church. That last part surprised all
those present who were not Indian, and that surprise told us much, as it must
have told them too.
Later, once at a relaxed long lunch, this was
one of the topics we talked over. I was explaining the good points of an
arranged marriage system as evolved through old times, as in practice today in
step with times, and how and why it it works and so forth. And why Love can be a dream, one that comes true some times, but cannot be a system to find a mate to marry and have a
family, unless one is willing to either fool oneself into thinking it is love
when one is merely looking to find someone attractive and possible to marry, or
remain celibate forever if necessary if one's one true love does not appear
until too late. If truly all western marriages and /or affairs were based on
love there would be no advertisements for dating, no dating agencies, in fact
no dating - one would be a polite closed book until love burst through clouds
and hit two people with lightening (metaphorically speaking) and one would be
attached forever, as in Romeo and Juliet.
He thought we were doing a
your-system-versus-our-system, and promptly said - yes, there aren't so many
divorces in India, marriages work better here. I was taken aback and said,
well, divorces aren't always bad, it is better than murder, for example. They,
surprised it was not a "we are better" speech, had little to say at
that and general talk continued.
The point really is that nature hits you at a certain age with need to find someone so you can get on with reproduction, since nature has no intention of failing merely through human folly of not finding someone, and while all know about Love few find it or can afford to wait, so a significant part of humanity accepts this and says, if you find love ok but if not there is a system to help you at the right time - and the other system makes find someone somehow haphazardly and say it must be love, until they fail.
The point really is that nature hits you at a certain age with need to find someone so you can get on with reproduction, since nature has no intention of failing merely through human folly of not finding someone, and while all know about Love few find it or can afford to wait, so a significant part of humanity accepts this and says, if you find love ok but if not there is a system to help you at the right time - and the other system makes find someone somehow haphazardly and say it must be love, until they fail.
The point really is not about fixing someone,
or something, once for all, but rather about a commitment, and willingness to
adapt and grow into a new life, and a civilised behaviour in an intimate
relationship, and giving it all one can. It is heaven when one finds love - but
to love someone is far more than the first days of discovery, which is often
what is confused with love, and that factor produces the breakups that are for
not serious reasons. Then again if one breaks up easily - or even looks
elsewhere - that says something about the relationship, and about the persons
involved. Exactly what it says is of course not same for all.
Again, a comparison with one's life occupation
might seem strange - but some people take one more seriously and some other,
and when it comes to finding what you can live with and committing to a
reasonably good degree so one can make something of life - it is not so
different. Not many people can have a serious career life if they jump away
from one into another that looks attractive from outside, not if they do it as
a hobby. And, too, few can wait to find the right vocation before they can get
along with earning or at least doing something, unless one is too rich to care
- and these days are past that sort of feudal wealth when one could afford to
not even be able to manage an inheritance, and could leave it to trusted people
to do it for you.
That is even true of finding a home - those
who have had a home from childhood, or a home in the family for generations,
know the difference from temporary buy-make-profit-and-sell sort of today's
houses. And of course it is clear that even when you are grown up and are able
to survive normally you don't wait to be hit with an inspiration of an
architectural equivalent of love and romance before you have a home to live in.
And if some people - and there are always
those sort in plenty, not that they are completely wrong, only half - who go on
telling women that women should look after families and home and not delay -
well, what could they propose that women do in a haphazard system where no
guarantee of being able to have a stable marriage or even a proposal exists? -
Yes, we have all watched S&C, and other shows and so forth, where it is
clear nothing works - not being attractive, being willing to give, waiting,
whatever. The guy might just go and marry someone else or even continue with
this one but not pop the question. If employers behaved this way no man could
ever earn a living; women are expected - not to earn, that term is reserved
for work that gets over after eight hours a day five days a week - to create
home and life for a family with this system.
So the system of romance is - stay or pretend
to be stupid, definitely don't be competitive and don't do better than the
average boy even in grade school, don't look and science and if there are
idiots claiming you cannot do it don't challenge them, no medical school for
you and no presidency either, if you don't marry at sixteen go for low paid
jobs to pay for cosmetics and look like a doll mask rather than human, pay your
blood and sweat to walk on impossible footwear and stuff yourself into whatever
they offer in stores at whatever prices, and be sweet, smiling, whatever it
takes - and then wait for someone to pop the question. And if he leaves you
with young children while he keeps most of the money and gets a trophy wife a
decade younger and looks better at the pool they bought - it is your fault for
being older than her, so be quiet, and allow him to enjoy the children when -
if - he remembers them. Anything else and you deserve to be looked at askance
for being human.
And this is not the worst, but the normal
stream, what your average women go through, your mothers' generation went
through, and so will your daughters.
This is not to say that the other way does not
have any faults, but that it began as a good, workable system and can be - and
is already evolving into - a far more workable system. It is not about your
parents finding and forcing someone on you, and really no one can be forced but
is not at all willing except by out and out kidnapping; but most societies
weddings do involve an active participation of the couple involved, be it
verbal audible agreeing or walking around the fire - and those unwilling can
fight it and do, those who have courage in love make their moves and take
This is not to say that people using or even
threatening violence against a couple of legal age have right, no they
absolutely do not. When a couple has found each other let them be, and support
with advice and help but without threats. This works the other way too - when
they decide to separate offer exactly the same, help and support, and that is
not your chance to recriminate and remonstrate and tell them it was because
they did not take your advice. For if your advice goes wrong you are forever
responsible all that befalls them and you are only human - don't take on the
responsibility of ruining a life or more than one.
What is true however is that every parent has
a natural worry about seeing one's progeny happy and safe and secure, or at any rate most do, and a
right to help it to be so, whether it is giving good food or providing home and
education or helping them find the right person - or at least options they can
choose from if they so are inclined. That mother outside the church was - is -
a good mother to the best of her knowledge and ability. And if her daughter is
unwilling to take a person chosen she is old enough to say so, and can.
Truth is neither love nor marriage through
finding or choosing your own mate is new to India, at least. Ancient systems
are clear about eight different ways of marriages - weddings - and giving a
daughter to one you choose is only one of them. And for that matter isn't it a
part of almost every wedding ceremony (except civil) to have someone, usually a
father or father figure, "give away" the bride?
Other forms of marriage or wedding that were considered legitimate as per system or tradition of ancient India include love marriage that is
either conducted in secret or involves eloping or both, looking at all the
grooms willing and choosing one, and so on. Our heroes, our Divine Avataars (Avataar is, literally, Descended form of Divine on Earth) had
these forms of marriages - Raama, Krshna, and many others. True, often they had
to fight for it too, but not because it was not considered valid - only because
some people were displeased and challenged them and so forth. For that matter, Paarvatie
the beloved daughter of Himaalya going into forests to find and marry Shiva
might just be the very first love story, and it goes on to their marrying and
living in bliss as a Divine couple with joys and fights all too human as well.
So what is called love marriage is hardly new to India.
Not everyone can be a hero and should not
required to be, not everyone should have to fight and no one should be subject
to a physical threat for choosing - having found - love. But the threats of violence are not as common as all
that, and even so are not part of the system, much less prescribed or even
allowed by tradition or faith or culture of India. Threats of violence are
merely due to, part only of, human blemishes and flaws, albeit serious ones, and should not be left
unpunished. Parents do not own children - parents owe children, having given
life. Parents owe children love, guidance, help, support, security, and a
shoulder and heart when needed. And in most cases ambient society is guided by
the parents concerned. If you care for your children don't worry about what
people will say, tell people what to say. People will turn away and mind their
own business if you don't give a spicy story about your own on a platter.
But as far as the system goes - our girls are
doing well academically and marching forth in careers while our society has
less of luxuries, and while no everyone has same levels - well, if some go
forth and cut the bushes and clear a path others do follow. So what began as a difficult path to make with a few, very few women two hundred years ago is a veritable highway today - and it was possible only because there were no difficulties against them in scriptures, there were not only historical and more ancient examples, but even look at our Goddesses - one for Wealth, one for Learning, one for Divine Victory.
Having a doctor daughter has been always considered
a good idea - we never had an inquisition against learned women and those with
knowledge - and too a doctor daughter in law. Traditional medicine was
basically a family matter at a basic level and was conducted largely by women,
the older they were the more they knew and in turn taught their younger family members.
It is merely an everyday necessity.
What limited women was the need to have and
deal with a family at the right time - so those days when civil engineering
meant going to far away places and having a rough life it was not encouraged
for daughters. Today it is different, and women are in more professions than
ever. And all because there is no question of having to do everything for
yourself, so children are with the whole family, but it is more than that.
A very major and fundamental difference is
this - here girls don't have to learn to be popular with boys, or attractive to males in general or worry about dating, on the contrary - all children are encouraged to be academically
and otherwise achievers, and do whatever they can to make something out of their
talents, and question of "finding someone right" is dealt with at
such time as when a person is perceived as ready with a finished education and
possibly established or at least begun a career. Which is when family and other
helpful systems can be used - newspaper ads, now Internet, social contacts,
agencies, any and everything possible.
So children do not get distracted before time (unless lightening hits in form of Love, but not so due to necessities of being able to find someone and learning how to find someone and being attractive for the purpose), and that time is delayed as far as necessary by the occupied young dealing with
education and career, since any looking around before a reasonable age and
stage is not encouraged.
And girls do very well, academically, ever
better with every passing year. No one tells them they cannot just because they
are not men, and so that factor does not debilitate them by sheer suggestion.
They do well because they are expected to do their best and so they do. They
are not rendered unfeminine - on the contrary, look at any wedding and see them
dress up - and truth is femininity does not hinder anyone from achievement at
young age any more than boyhood does; less, in fact, possibly.
And our elders are busy unless their children
migrate. Busy with grandchildren - and children who are dealing with stress and
need all the guidance, all the caring and relaxing a parent's concern and pat
on head might bring. They don't have to prove they are forty when they are
seventy, they have a beauty and dignity that increases with experience and
life. You will find them at theatres and concerts, social events and family
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