Virtue Is Life And Love, Not Convenient Convention of Cowardice!!
She visits for a chat, a rare even considering
she has pointedly avoided attending the couple of ceremonial occasions, both
before and after. So I am naturally a little unsure of how friendly this visit
is and how much is it an agenda or more. It could be a chapter for a thesis,
for all I know; or as it turns out it is also a diplomatic mission disguised as
a friendly casual visit while she is in the neighbourhood. If it has also
provided a chapter I don't know - but at the end of the visit(s) I care more about if she has benefited at all. That of course depends on her capacity to benefit, and that depends on how open the youngster was at all in mind and at other levels of consciousness. Chances are she has been allowed to think she need not learn, especially from someone so disapproved of by the clan, and in any case has no idea her mind was never open a chink in the first place but to establishment.
She once remarked that she refused to follow the family trend of science (- over a dozen first rate scientists and a few medical practitioners and engineers thrown into the bargain, the family could conduct a university or a research institute all their own between themselves -) because unlike science all opinions of every person in class are equally valid in humanities and literature, and she enjoyed the debates in class. I disagree on both counts - arguments in science do happen, and are more satisfactory because there is reason and it comes at some point to a conclusion, while it is also untrue that all opinions are equally valid in humanities or literature.
She finds an occasion soon enough and declares that she has "decided that she would give her heart only once".
She once remarked that she refused to follow the family trend of science (- over a dozen first rate scientists and a few medical practitioners and engineers thrown into the bargain, the family could conduct a university or a research institute all their own between themselves -) because unlike science all opinions of every person in class are equally valid in humanities and literature, and she enjoyed the debates in class. I disagree on both counts - arguments in science do happen, and are more satisfactory because there is reason and it comes at some point to a conclusion, while it is also untrue that all opinions are equally valid in humanities or literature.
She finds an occasion soon enough and declares that she has "decided that she would give her heart only once".
I refrain from asking her if she has ever
experienced what giving heart is, if she has ever experienced what it is to be
drawn at heart, or if she thinks it is a matter of picking up an object
physically and giving it over and not asking for it back, or of not illegally
working two jobs, or something. I doubt she is capable of giving heart, or of
experiencing it at all within.
Most women experience it when they have
children - they fall in love and know that they can never get over it. Some
people - men, women, children - experience the heart's emotions deeply, of love
and of ecstasy, of tears and of attachment. Some are capable of loving, truly,
and not as a matter of behaving well diplomatically depending on how one wishes
to have relations. Some people are not capable of emotions of heart, for one of
the few reasons - selfishness, childishness, an innate inability to connect -
or just plain anti-love persona that is more interested in analysis or even
only in destruction. She I suspect is a bit of the first two, a little selfish
and a lot childish, but mostly an inability to connect or rather a pathological
need to stay a little apart.
It is obvious that if anyone has experienced
loving anyone, then one knows it is not a matter of rewarding virtue, or of
punishing a fault, or of making a decision - unless when one talks of
"giving heart" one actually means something else. One does need to be
fair and sometimes diplomatic, too - but that has little to do with love or
heart. The correspondence of the two separate spheres can go either way.
I ask her instead how she decides to pick one
of her friends to be a best friend - what do the others do to not deserve it?
Perhaps this might give her a clue, that is if she is capable of realising she
can learn. She admits she cannot so choose. This should lead to logical
conclusions both ways - one, choosing an object of love and deciding to give
heart is more, not less, difficult; and two, love happens just as a best friend
happens, one cannot claim virtue of how and when it happens.
I ask her next if she realises she is talking
about satie tradition (- since giving your heart only once as a matter of
strict virtue amounts to giving up life if anything goes wrong, and either
living an outward life with little or no possibility of joy of life or giving
up bodily life as well -), and she is perplexed, remarking "isn't it
banned long ago, no one does that any more" - not realising what I was
saying. I begin to get the view of how vast the gap of our minds is. I explain
patiently that first, the banning was not automatic, it had to be achieved (and
here they misspell the name of the person who did that); and second, banning
does not stop things, as was evident as recently as mid-to-late eighties; and
finally, third, this is not just about a physical burning to death, this is
about doing it slow and lifelong, by deliberately making a decision of for ever
shunning any possibility of giving another chance of love and happiness to oneself.
I ask if this is what she would wish for
someone - everyone - else, is it only for women, or only for herself. She is
beginning to be a little overwhelmed, and corrects her original claim by
hastily changing it to - one at a time.
This is getting ridiculous, now, of course. First, few do otherwise, because this is the only way most people can. It is easier and safer, to do so. Two people to love involves an enormous complication in terms of even fairness, let alone any other question. And this is apart from the original point again - if one can so control it it is not heart or love one is talking about, in all likelihood. Why the need for euphemism, falsifying and complicating the whole issue?
This is getting ridiculous, now, of course. First, few do otherwise, because this is the only way most people can. It is easier and safer, to do so. Two people to love involves an enormous complication in terms of even fairness, let alone any other question. And this is apart from the original point again - if one can so control it it is not heart or love one is talking about, in all likelihood. Why the need for euphemism, falsifying and complicating the whole issue?
In fact most people are lucky if they love all
their own children equally - some are so partial to one and so obviously
against another that it is a wonder they do not see the disastrous
consequences, in lives and futures of not only the children but generations
affected by this. The loved and pampered child learns to be selfish, the
neglected and unwanted internalises it and is unsure about loving anyone, and
the repercussions spread like ripples of a huge stone thrown carelessly in a
quiet lake.
Often, as in this case, this behaviour of the
parent transmits through generations - the whole clan might specialise in
picking one favourite and dumping all stress and unwantedness on the one picked
to be at the other end, and the favourite is usually the one that serves some
selfish end of the parent while the other goes on and on trying to achieve and
to wordlessly claim some little attention by virtue. It never comes, and it
takes a long time to comprehend that no amount of virtue or achievements will
bring it - it will only serve to spur more flicking of lashes by the parent one
is trying to get to notice oneself - and that one deserves to relax, to love
and to be loved, and it is not one's own fault for not being loved the way
another sibling is - and that that other sibling is not more virtuous but
merely privileged, for no reason; and finally that this was in fact unfair and
bad behaviour of the parent who did this.
I see all this in a flash, and put it aside,
since it is beyond her capabilities - she is not talking about heart and love
at all but using those words as euphemism for marital relations whether within
marital bonds or not, in short about physical part of sex.
Yes, I tell her, most people do go the monogamy way, it is the least complicated and the most safe way for all concerned, but we know from traditions and from ancient texts and even (from sheer keeping one's ears and mind open and non-committal) from today, that it is not made either compulsory nor the only way of virtue, for either gender, in our tradition, our culture. It is merely far more complicated to be polygamous, for either gender. To be equally fair to both - or all - partners, and not only to show no preference but to have no preference in heart, is what is required in a situation where one one has more than one partner - again, our tradition frowns on or penalises the avoidance of responsibility, and prescribes a marriage in absence of an ability to keep away from someone, if it is possible to marry. If not one keeps away, but no in between is either approved or gets the woman - women - concerned punished automatically by prescription, as in most other cultures.
Yes, I tell her, most people do go the monogamy way, it is the least complicated and the most safe way for all concerned, but we know from traditions and from ancient texts and even (from sheer keeping one's ears and mind open and non-committal) from today, that it is not made either compulsory nor the only way of virtue, for either gender, in our tradition, our culture. It is merely far more complicated to be polygamous, for either gender. To be equally fair to both - or all - partners, and not only to show no preference but to have no preference in heart, is what is required in a situation where one one has more than one partner - again, our tradition frowns on or penalises the avoidance of responsibility, and prescribes a marriage in absence of an ability to keep away from someone, if it is possible to marry. If not one keeps away, but no in between is either approved or gets the woman - women - concerned punished automatically by prescription, as in most other cultures.
And for all that a monogamy of a man who
marries within a short period of death of a wife is not much of a virtue - he
has merely declared the status of either wife as provision of her financial
needs to the extent he can or pleases for satisfaction of his various needs
that won't wait for any grief to subside, if indeed he had grief for anything
other than his own various inconveniences at all. It is not only in the world of
arranged marriages that this occurs - although it might be a bit faster with
various parents eager to get the guy and often proposing before the thirteen
days of funeral ceremonies are over - but even in the world of dating, with
married daughters consoling the mother and encouraging her to go out with girls
while in the same time period a bereaved male would have gone far beyond the
need to be encouraged.
So much for monogamy - it is supposed to be a
system that is better for social relations that get complicated and also for
health of the society, but serial monogamy takes the first one out and as for
the latter neither heart nor marriage are needed to have matters go wrong in
that sphere.
But there are more urgent matters to be
considered here in talk with the stupid young girl, and I go on fast to the
real point - that while it is all very well if everything goes well but what if
not? And I don't wait for her to reply, I go on to tell her, that she cannot
play with her own safety, security, her life, just for the sake of a convention
of virtue. She has to balance the need of commitment with the need of
protecting herself - often no one else can, when it is a man in her life that
endangers her - and if necessary, cut short and run; and also, what prevents
other women from doing so is precisely the convention of virtue that she was
preaching at - a pride of monogamy, even "serial", for it is normally
understood that it means for "his lifetime" or at least that she
would not take the first step out but wait for him to leave her or murder her -
or, as it happens often enough, both.
Women were being murdered sensationally for
dowry or for affairs of husbands and newspapers were full of them as we were
growing up, and I always wondered how more women got married under the same
circumstances anyway, what made them so sure it won't happen to them as well -
did they learn karate, or have protectors ready to kill if something did happen
and let the in-laws know of it, or what?
Imagine if women were murdering husbands
around - by using what means they can easily, and there are many - would men
marry so readily in such circumstance, without fear? If they did marry out of
need for household and personal life, would they love so readily and easily as
women do nevertheless, or would they be unable to love?
In the first case the answer is less obvious
than the second. Women not only tend to distance themselves from other women
who are victims - 'I don't know how it happens to others, it never did to me' -
but even tend to turn around and blame the women who are victims, along the
lines of colonial subjects and slaves that often turn around and absorb the
ethos of the rulers, the masters, and blame the whipped slave for his skin
taken off for little fault. This in turn makes it easier for them to be victims
in turn, of course, but they do not see the way out - taking a stand, fighting
back - and prefer to go for the security of siding with the masters instead.
This happens irrespective of what the crime
against the women victim, and irrespective also of if you knew her all your
life, thought she was virtuous in every way, and saw the crime being
perpetrated too, and knew the perpetrators were wrong - it is still more
comfortable to blind yourself to the reality and truth and tell yourself either
that it was her destiny or that she must somehow have been at fault. It somehow
is not good enough to so much as admit there has been a crime against someone
who had a right to life and to dignity, and that something should be done by
Subsequently such murders became more common
and a statistics - whether due to better reportage or due to more happenings,
who knows? Fact is no fathers or brothers came forth to avenge the murdered
relative ever, and in fact in a few cases when the murder was not proved they
offered the guy - the brand new widower - another daughter, a sister of the
questionably dead one. That these cases were known personally and so reported
by word of mouth did not reduce the horror or authenticity in any way, on the
And yet people go on waxing emotional about festivals and occasions that are supposed to emphasize the importance of fathers and brothers for women. And, too, women would rather get along with those males at any price, even if they have been battered by them to the extent of being blinded or handicapped in more ways than one. Women who go with the conventional virtue would rather distance themselves from other women victims including sisters, whom they cannot defend anyway, but they could have them "subdued" using a male. And they do - frequently enough.
And yet people go on waxing emotional about festivals and occasions that are supposed to emphasize the importance of fathers and brothers for women. And, too, women would rather get along with those males at any price, even if they have been battered by them to the extent of being blinded or handicapped in more ways than one. Women who go with the conventional virtue would rather distance themselves from other women victims including sisters, whom they cannot defend anyway, but they could have them "subdued" using a male. And they do - frequently enough.
Well, there are some, few, women who had
marches taken out to protest against all these all too frequent murders and got
a few - too few - punished, got a few laws changed, and more importantly got
some awareness of the wrong as wrong be acknowledged, even if it was out of
shame and even is such shame backfired on the very name of women's rights or
equality or liberation or so on.
Now there are young women wearing trendy
trousers and small shirts and smart sandals and sitting in malls and talking
loudly about how they don't believe in women's liberation - until I ask them if
they are aware that in that case they have to be barefoot, married, pregnant
and washing dishes for a household of twenty before eating, not opening their
mouths in public to speak, much less work at IT jobs and wear trousers and be
secure and unmolested as a matter of right while there are males all around who
might not mind molesting them as their, male, right by birth. As indeed they
would in many places in the world.
No kitchen works without fire, I tell this
young visitor, one preaching about subjects she knows nothing about - and yet
the instances of women dying of "accidental" kitchen fires happen
only here. It is all very well to either give benefit of doubt in each
individual case or to tell oneself that little fib conveniently, but face it,
these were murders - as are the female infanticide and foeticide (not for any
other reason than for not wanting a daughter) that again are difficult to prove
individually but evident statistically.
In other parts of world there is starvation or
guns, and here we have a convenient kitchen "fire accident with
stove". That those happen sometimes only gives an excuse for the murderers
to hide behind. Or why has it been always, always the young brides or even
mothers of very young babies, but never a mother-in-law, never an old woman,
never but never a male of any age whatsoever that are victims of these
"stove kitchen fire" accidents?
Some of it is of course due to our
"traditional" dresses - of which only saree or pawdaa / lehengaa (ankle length traditional skirts with usually good amount of fabric rather than slim fitting, and more often than not silk in former case, while possibly not silk but then elaborately worked in latter case with embroidery or mirrors) are
really our tradition, and the other so called Indian dress which really is borrowed from foreign lands closer than
Europe - which are not only loose but have plenty of fabric that can catch fire
in a matter of fewer seconds, as evidently proven many years - nearly two
decades now - ago by research in the labs of Indian government.
They showed the results on national television then, before the era of cable channels proliferation, and prescribed wearing trousers in kitchen - it was easier to save a victim in the latter mode of dress than former varieties. Perhaps a frock or a skirt and blouse are just as safer, but they were not going to go so far against the sensibilities of some people who would accuse them of wanting to expose our women.
They showed the results on national television then, before the era of cable channels proliferation, and prescribed wearing trousers in kitchen - it was easier to save a victim in the latter mode of dress than former varieties. Perhaps a frock or a skirt and blouse are just as safer, but they were not going to go so far against the sensibilities of some people who would accuse them of wanting to expose our women.
But more than anything else what
kills women often - whether they give up the body or they decide to stick on
and live a death or they get murdered - is this idea, this very notion of
"Give heart only once" can only really amount to give body only once, to not willing to even consider another alternative than a suicide, to abhor any thought ever of another partner, and partly this is understandable - who would want the hurt, the devastation, that multiplies with a break up and only gets worse with the social ostracising, the males sniffing around to find an easy prey, the general society shunning you as worse than infectious ward of a hospital?
"Give heart only once" can only really amount to give body only once, to not willing to even consider another alternative than a suicide, to abhor any thought ever of another partner, and partly this is understandable - who would want the hurt, the devastation, that multiplies with a break up and only gets worse with the social ostracising, the males sniffing around to find an easy prey, the general society shunning you as worse than infectious ward of a hospital?
But this, this idea of virtue, is
precisely what is responsible not only for the woman in question wanting to
stick on and go on being brutalised, it also amounts to her relatives who could
shelter and protect her instead throwing her back to the same brutes who then
end up murdering her, an inevitable chain that begins with the idea that a
non-virgin is fine and proven when male but garbage (usable for males, of
course, only not with admission of honour) for the other half of the world.
Women end up burnt alive because
there are other women ready to shun them and virtuously proclaim - "I will
give my heart only once", and in turn end up on the garbage heap
themselves when fate so takes a turn. For if they run they are pursued by
wolves in human male shape, and they dare not turn and face them for fear of
being mauled, which they don't escape anyway.
It is not that women are not
murdered elsewhere - or that perpetrators get punished always. No, but it is
only that trying to escape for life is not considered an act against virtue,
nor is living and finding happiness again condemned so automatically as to make
them stay and get murdered or commit suicide by preference for sake of virtue.
This Life is as much a gift of the Divine as
is Love in your hearts - and when you give it up for a bunch of cowards you are
not free of the guilt either. Even Bhagawadgeetaa advises fighting to the best
of your abilities and last of your strength for the right against the wrong.
Virtue is that which supports and enhances Life, the gift of Divine, and
celebrates Love, another precious gift; not burning yourself alive either
physically or metaphorically for sake of those others that won't protect you or
your daughters.