Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Citizenship and Responsibilities

Canada chooses to not deport convicted terrorist jihadist to home countries, which implies Canada accepts responsibility for consequences of their acts! Was this choice made with consent of those whose consent was not asked in the first place for the terrorism, never given to the said terrorist acts?
Recall the German reaction to Versailles treaty terms, resulting in WWII with all its horrors. Now ask if Canada held responsible for an act of terrorism could be asked to make reparations by the victim nation. The difference is, most of Germany was united in standing with their warmonger leaders, each time, WWI and WWII. 

So the leaders of Canada might, as duty of leaders of a democracy, have asked their citizens to vote in a referendum about taking responsibility for the terrorist acts of such jihadists and other terrorists who happen to have migrated to Canada and taken citizenship. 

And just how would anyone make up for the lives lost in such an act? For example in the flight blown up a few decades ago over the Atlantic ocean? 


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