An article one came across on fb, very interesting for several reasons is
Well written and interesting except for one thing - it looks upside down when not seen from point of view of what seems to constitute an average mindset of US, due to the preference and almost a reverence for physicality, for physical power, and consequently for sports and jocks, which latter includes too the regard that amounts to almost reverence for money - albeit its respect for earned rather than inherited money in case of US, unlike UK and Europe and rest of the world outside India, where inheritance acquires the patina of class.
All this is upside down when seen from the world view that holds preference for world of mind as normal as looking up to mountains, and consequently an academic choice over sport jock life as an intelligent one beyond question. When it comes to mathematics, moreover, it's a no-brainer - if one is capable of doing it, any other choice is not merely dumb, it's out of question. Having seen this work out in life with several young men, pushed by their parents into choices considered safe from earning point of view, who turned around at some point to nevertheless drop the parent's preferred path and go on to mathematics, this man's choice is quite obvious, especially since the supposedly safe alternative was not engineering or medicine as in India but the US one, sport, that too, what US calls football!
For, when mind is seen as more important - as indeed it is when seen from the view of world of mind - one's brain is the most prized and precious possession, faculty, and not to be traded for a risky exchange for say millions of bucks, even if it is per year. And US football (what the rest of the world normally calls football is named soccer in US, hence the necessity of added caution) is now definitely known to cause brain damage to players, what with head butting being a norm, apart from other risks via various physical assaults normal to the game of US football.
Here in this story, written for the US readership and by someone who is obviously born, brought up and never been out of US, this last point is treated almost with the same caution that normally applies to the so called left liberal world view re terrorism of mostly jihadist Islamism - that is, it's not only known but glaring in face, yet must not be mentioned, must be ridiculed, challenged if mentioned, contested with any possible arguments however outlandish, because - in both cases - not only tremendous power groups support the life risky thing, US football and terrorism respectively, but also if someone doesn't play the expected mute about it that person is risking reputation, possibly career, and quite possibly injury, or even life.
Hence this whole farce of surprise about this bright young man's choice of career, when in fact it's obvious the opposite is true- if one gets into a doctoral program of MIT for mathematics, if one is capable of doing the work in spare hours between games of brain risking US football and qualifying, why, one has no other choice! Any other choice is simply dumb, since it not only gives up the highest peaks of world of mind, but risks one's brain through playing a game known to cause injury, almost on par with risk a young woman incurs in marrying a wife beater sadist.
Yes, in the latter case too most of the world sees it normally as the woman's duty to nevertheless not only marry the guy but stick to him despite his beating her to pulp, every now and then, horrendously, and every other sadistic treatment of the wife and children - usually of daughters, of course - as well, this sticking to him considered virtue so much so any deviation - such as protecting a child by sending the child out to safety for saving it's life - is considered a blot on said virtue, and the child persecuted through life by society aiding the sadist in his pursuit of destroying the lives of the child and mother.
When and how did this perverse defence, nay, glorification, come about, of a sadist who destroys wife and children, a game known to cause brain injury and damage, jihadist mindset that seeks to wipe out civilisation and annihilate not only thousands or millions of lives but preaches it as superior glory? When did these diverse manifestations of death cult worship, so false, so fraudulent, happen to rise?!!!!
If life exists, it can only be because it's the Will, whether one says of Nature or of Divine. It's the precious gift, and civilisation is how it's earned by humanity.