Monday, September 3, 2018

Canary - And Last Hope

Once an Israeli citizen had commented that Israel was being treated like a canary in a coal mine by the West, but it would be too late for west if and when - and this is just as true of the salami tactics of land grab being played out against India while west sits on fence sympathetic with what they are bludgeoned by rome into preferring with an enforced delusion of superiority of a monotheism, with an attitude of horror and disdain for the other alternative which they name pagan.

But they don't realise the fence is barbed wire, the delusion just that, and the horror is due to submerged racial memories of how church perpetrated horrors of massacre and inquisition to enforce its power and grip.

As for the land grab being perpetrated against India with salami tactics, the perpetrators aren't waiting for finishing off India before they begin on the West, so India isn't even the canary, just the first victim of the world conquest ordered in one religion to bring about the end of the world civilisation.

West is already undergoing its own conquest, as the happening in UK and Europe are a testimony to - grooming in UK, Sweden with areas where police vehicles are pelted with stones, Cologne new year's eve horror two years ago and berlin last year, ..... not to forget the WTC attacks and the immediate first response by bush in protecting the family of the mastermind.

As for India,  it isn't canary, but the last hold of civilisation, of treasure of knowledge humanity hasn't lost yet because India preserved it through the onslaught of invasions and colonial regimes.

As for Kashmir Pandits, one recalls the phrase To Kill A Mockingbird - they've been driven out in an ethnic cleansing, and those that think their land can now be pakified are unaware of the predator that stalks, not sparing anybody!

Monday, 8 January 2018

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