What is the one most telling characteristic of a thief, a cheat, someone false? It is that of paying no attention to any other than one's own agenda of taking whatever the thief, cheater, grabber is intent on taking from someone else, at any cost, generally to the other. Any use of logic or principles is limited to this, strictly.
The principle of people's right to self determination is one of many such conveniently used flags that work for an in-your-face shrill demand with no recourse to logic or justice of any sort adhered to. For, if people of one state in one nation have this right, why don't other people in other states in other nations have the same right and why is it justifiable to have one nation use its forces of arms and armies - armies often staffed with poor of other nations fighting for the money - to quell such demands for rights to self determination? If muslims of Kashmir deserve to determine where they shall be and who they shall throw out, don't the confederate states of US have the same rights, which might yet result in another nation with all "wrong" races thrown out or enslaved right back, just as Hindus and Buddhists of Kashmir were either converted (hence the north Kashmir people who are of Tibetan-Ladakhi stock and historically Buddhists while having converted to Islam for a reason as common as covert-or-die option given them by forces of Islam, which is how people of Nuristan were converted not too long ago by Afghan forces, and for that matter which is how Pakistan is Islamic at all, a significant part of the population of northwest of India having converted for this reason prior to partition) or massacred or thrown out.
This of course cannot be - US did and shall again use any amount of force for what US decides are the right reasons and just causes, such as keeping the union (never mind the state of Texas keeps a right to secession at any point in time it chooses) with a civil war that was as horrible to southern states as wwII was to France or Poland. For that matter US freely twists elbows and ignores UN when it comes to retribution for the attacks that a few men hiding in border regions, or just as likely in Pakistan, are responsible for, and for years now thousands of civilians of two separate nations pay for the one day of terrorist attacks on US, while India cannot afford to defend herself from Pakistan originating (and this is not only well known to US state - meaning federal - authorities, and of course to the intelligence agencies, and is an open secret whta with satellites being able to observe pretty much anyone and everything, but also now admitted as such) terrorism, much less inflict damage to make sure this stops once for all - as US is doing in the Islamic world for example.
So the idea is, not that US is setting examples of how to behave ideally as a nation - not unless a nation such as China can afford it due to power that was in the first place allowed by US due to a rivalry with Soviet regime, in fact encouraged, but also was a matter of Chinese traditional and racial intransigence when it comes to dealing with any other people of any other nation or race, very contrasting to the Indian attitude of friendly tolerance as a principle generally. The idea is, powers of the world decide who and what will have and do what, and others comply one way or another, just as Czechoslovakia was made to go knuckle under when UK and France were not willing to go to war yet and the German then leader intent on conquering as much of Europe and the whole world as he could, just as later an ally like Poland was given to east bloc without so much as asking where Poland wished to be, just as Cuba had no choice about their matters and were dictated by needs of US.
If Pakistan has the right to war with India without admitting to the war, with ISI supporting the terrorists with everything possible and the army pretending to be Jihadis, while US supports Pakistan with money and arms and the tacit understanding that India opposing Pakistan's terrorism with a war like that of US on Iraq and Afghanistan will not be agreeable to US - did Cuba lose only through being not a terrorist nation but on the contrary being a nation that wished to have people Cuba have a life, rather than being a holiday spot for US rich with people of Cuba playing obedient slaves?
US is not in any way openly supporting the demand from Pakistan that India hand over Kashmir, or even that Kashmiri muslims (Hindus have been driven out with murders and explicit orders from terrorists blaring on loudspeakers for them to leave or perish, with demonstrations to the effect) ought to decide by voting if they wish to join Pakistan or India. It is significant that the terrorists no longer pretend to vote on Kashmir being independent, a dream they had held on long to, but perhaps now realise is impossible what with Pakistan armies ready to occupy. Or perhaps the terrorists are no longer pretending to be indigenous Kashmiris and are openly Pakistanis, which generally amounts to being from anywhere in the Islamic world and not necessarily related in any way to Kashmir.
But even though US is not supporting such demands openly, the support provided to the source of terrorists, Pakistan, with money and arms flowing freely into the terrorist nation and accounts not asked for or perhaps a tacit understanding that any damage inflicted on India will be all right with US, amounts to a support that could not be better except with US platoons obeying orders from terrorists, perhaps. It is a tacit understanding that any damage including killing a few US, UK and other western - and Israeli - citizens killed in terrorist attacks by Pakistan in India will be all right with the US regime and Pakistan need fear no repercussions, au contraire, they can expect a further increase in the financial "aid" that has been flowing in to the tune of billions of US dollars.
Who pays for this "aid", this flow of billions of US dollars into Pakistan?
Well, of course, the people of India who are inflicted by the terrorists do, with their lives - and since that includes Indian muslims as well (when terrorists wreak havoc in markets and trains where middle class and poor occupy space and frequent the places, it is hardly possible to issue a warning to the general muslim population of India to stay away, without the warning reaching others and authorities), so they couldn't pretend they care for muslims in general. It is merely about killing people of India, wreaking havoc in India, terrorising India.
But people of US are paying for this in the aid dollars that flow unchecked into Pakistan and thence into pockets of terrorists. And this includes, but is not limited to, the peole of US that are of Indian origin, have relatives in India, and lose not merely those relatives in the terror attacks but a homeland and a security that they can return to if and when racism makes it impossible for them to survive in US no matter how well they do there.
The legend goes that Shahjahan cut off the hands of the artist who built his Tajmahal (it is also an open secret that the tomb was built over a Hindu temple, covered up recently by Indian government by covering up the walls of the temple on the river side since they were visible and were pointing to strong evidence of the temple underneath the mausoleum for the woman who died in her fourteenth childbirth, so much for the so called love of the husband for the wife) so he could not build another such building. Perhaps this sort of purpose is behind the various powers intent on destruction of India through the process of terrorist attacks, throwing out Hindu and other non muslim populations, taking territory by demanding the right to self determination, and repeating the process ad infinitum, while the government of India does not throw out the unchecked migration and settling of muslims of her neighbouring nations into India so the process does go on ad infinitum. The whole idea is to destroy what is India, what the ancient culture still living in continuity was and is, much as Egypt is through Islamic onslaught and conversion or for that matter central Asia. Who remembers now that central Asia was once a Buddhist region? Swords converted the people to Islam, death being the only option.
A Japanese tourist once remarked that when one is in India one has to believe in the Divine since there is no other possible reason anyone can trust living through the traffic, so chaotic it is. Divine must be the only reason India survives - what with the world powers conspiring against it and India refusing to give up legacy of Gandhi to fight back the nations attacking it.